Accreditation Dialogue


Theme: Institutional Commitments

After reading the description below, add “comments” that identify specific activities at the college that indicate we demonstrate institutional commitment expectations. Post a separate “comment” for each activity identified.

The standards ask institutions to make a commitment in action to providing high quality education congruent with institutional mission. The first expression of this is in Standard I, which calls for an institutional mission statement that reflects the intended student population and the institution’s commitment to student learning.

Throughout the standards, the commission asks that institutions insure the consistency between mission and institution goals and plans and insure that the mission is more that a statement of intention — that it guides institutional action.

The standards also ask that an institution commit to supporting student learning as its primary mission. The number of references to student learning outcomes throughout the standards are designed to guide this institutional commitment to student learning.

The standards’ requirement that the entire institution participate in reviewing institutional performance and developing plans for improvement of student learning outcomes is intended to help the institution sustain its commitment to student learning.

Finally, the requirement that an institution regularly review its mission statement asks that the institution periodically reflect on its mission statement, adapt it as needed, and renew commitment to achieving the mission.

Summary points of this theme:

The institution demonstrates its commitment to

• High quality education congruent with mission
• Student learning as the primary mission
• Mission being more than statement of intention; it guides institutional action
• Entire institution participating in reviewing performance and developing improvement plans
• Regularly review and reflect on mission, adapt as needed, and renew commitments


  • Strong program of PSR

    Regular process of curriculum review

    $1million classroom renovation commitment - new high performance classrooms

    Nursing program

    Annual report integrates accomplishment with college goals

    Strategic plan lead to action

    University express and learning community strategies

    Focusing on basic skills reform

    Faculty very involved in technology mediated instruction

    College Connection program

    Dialogue on online instruction, good engagement

    Strong commitment to student services, 21 counselors

    Beginning a stronger focus on reentry students

    Puente program success

    Grants an programs in biotechnology and awards

    $100M+ commitment to NCHST

    Student support building commitment

    Make student records more accessible to students

    Education plans, e-portfolio goal

    Title III project commitment

    New Apple technology

    Barrier free campus for diabled and deaf students

    Hyman Hall commitment

    Office of International Program with director, student exchange,
    World Forums

    Engagement in review and improvement:

    College Council
    Task Forces
    All campus goal planning symposium led to strategic plan
    Fabulous website
    Exploring new ways to collaborate using technology
    Investment in employee development
    Staff development workshops
    Fab Alliant doctoral program
    Faculty and staff as learners
    Learning college model
    Retreats for engagement
    NCHST retreats in particular
    Email dialogues
    President's lunches
    President's office moved to campus, increased accesibility

    By Blogger Jim Wright, at 3:57 PM  

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