Accreditation Dialogue


Theme: Student Learning Outcomes

After reading the description below, add “comments” that identify specific activities at the college that indicate we are addressing the theme of student learning outcomes. Post a separate “comment” for each activity identified.

The development of Student Learning Outcomes is one of the key themes in these standards. The theme has to do with the institution consciously and robustly demonstrating the effectiveness of its efforts to produce and support student learning by developing student learning outcomes at the course, program, and degree level. This demonstration of effectiveness requires that learning outcomes be measured and assessed to determine how well learning is occurring so that changes to improve learning and teaching can be made. It requires that faculty engage in discussions of ways to deliver instruction to maximize student learning. It requires that those providing student support services develop student learning outcomes and evaluate the quality of their policies, processes, and procedures for providing students access and movement through the institution. And it requires that student learning outcomes be at the center of the institution’s key processes and allocation of resources. Ultimately, this theme requires that an institution engage in self-analysis leading to improvement of all that it does regarding learning and teaching.


  • Certain Faculty have led the way in using technology to evaluate student learning and achievement in their classes.

    Jeff O'Connell, for instance, has taken great pains to ensure that his online/Pod-cast courses are effective, and Wayne Yuen has utilized handheld remote survey devices so that his students can answer questions and keep him informed of their progress as he lectures.

    By Blogger Sheldon, at 12:36 PM  

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