Accreditation Dialogue


Theme: Institutional Commitments

After reading the description below, add “comments” that identify specific activities at the college that indicate we demonstrate institutional commitment expectations. Post a separate “comment” for each activity identified.

The standards ask institutions to make a commitment in action to providing high quality education congruent with institutional mission. The first expression of this is in Standard I, which calls for an institutional mission statement that reflects the intended student population and the institution’s commitment to student learning.

Throughout the standards, the commission asks that institutions insure the consistency between mission and institution goals and plans and insure that the mission is more that a statement of intention — that it guides institutional action.

The standards also ask that an institution commit to supporting student learning as its primary mission. The number of references to student learning outcomes throughout the standards are designed to guide this institutional commitment to student learning.

The standards’ requirement that the entire institution participate in reviewing institutional performance and developing plans for improvement of student learning outcomes is intended to help the institution sustain its commitment to student learning.

Finally, the requirement that an institution regularly review its mission statement asks that the institution periodically reflect on its mission statement, adapt it as needed, and renew commitment to achieving the mission.

Summary points of this theme:

The institution demonstrates its commitment to

• High quality education congruent with mission
• Student learning as the primary mission
• Mission being more than statement of intention; it guides institutional action
• Entire institution participating in reviewing performance and developing improvement plans
• Regularly review and reflect on mission, adapt as needed, and renew commitments


Proposed Accreditation Self-Study Teams

Accreditation Self Study Steering Committee: College Council

Self-Study Teams

Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness

1. A. Mission
2. B. Improving Institutional Effectiveness

Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services

3. A. Instructional Programs
4. B. Student Support Services
5. C. Library and Learning Support Services

Standard III: Resources

6. A. Human Resources
7. B. Physical Resources
8. C. Technology Resources
9. D. Financial Resources

Standard IV: Leadership and Governance

10. A. Decision-Making Roles and Processes
11. B. Board and Administrative Organization

Other Teams

12. Response to Prior Visiting Team Recommendations
13. Substantive Change Proposal: NCHST
14. Distance Learning
15. Self Study Document Writing Team


2001 ACCJC-WASC Visiting Team Recommendations

The 2001 Accreditation Team Evaluation Report identified four recommendations to assist Ohlone College to improve our internal environment, to make our process more efficient and effective, and to better serve our educational mission (November 2001, Page 11). The 2001 Commission Action Letter identified two of the recommendations for focused review in the Midterm Report (2004) and requested an update on the other two recommendations. The Progress Report (2005) we were asked to only address the first two recommendations.

Two Major Recommendations

1. Recognizing that college needs and aspirations will likely exceed available resources, the team recommends that the board and administration, in consultation with college governance, define and clearly communicate a limited number of goals derived from the mission and stated as measurable outcomes. These goals should be used (1) to prioritize strategic plan initiatives and (2) to guide resource allocations for the greatest possible impact on student learning and the community.

2 The team recommends that the college develop performance outcome measures for program strategic plan goals and strategies to assess progress, ensure positive impact on student learning, and provide objective feedback to determine if initiatives should be continued, expanded, revised, or abandoned. Such outcomes should focus on clear results, particularly those linked to student learning and achievement, rather than process steps that have been completed.

Two Secondary Recommendations

3. The team recommends the college develop and implement an effective outcome-based methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of online and media-supported courses including the related student and academic support services for these courses. Such systems should include student feedback and evaluation of the faculty responsible for the course.

4. The team recommends the college implement systems to ensure broad understanding of planning and decision-making processes. Such systems should be designed to assist the college community in understanding decisions regarding such items as institutional initiatives and prioritization of new staff positions, financial allocations and faculty resources.